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Officials Addressed to all domestic and foreign includes the general public, private organizations and countries on five continents.

A Muslim who is able to pay a mandatory economy partly owned property to the person entitled to receive it either through a Zakat committee and distributed live / own. Zakat is obligatory when a law is financially able and have reached the minimum pay zakat or called nisab to
Legal Account Number :
(Internet Data Electronic) NG Organization.

(International Mandatory Federation World Wide (IMFW))

That is, keep in mind any favors that God bestowed upon you. Because he had to tuck his favor from the head to the soles of the feet to the bottom. Health agencies, state security, food and clothing, air and water, are all available in our lives. But that's, you have the world, but never realize it. You master life, but never knew.

A. Calculation Zakat Fitrah.
     Zakat Fitrah to individual = 3.5% x the price of rice in the market per liter.
B. Calculation Zakat Profession / Occupation.
    Zakat Profession = 2.5% x (Total Income - Debt Payment / Installment)
    Calculate Nisab Zakat Profession = 520 x market price of rice per kg.
C. Calculating Zakat Maal / Assets.
    Zakat Maal = 2.5% x Total Assets That Saved Over 1 Year (savings and investments)
    Calculate Nisab Zakat Mal = 85 x market price of gold per gram.

1. Nishab gold.
Nishab gold as much as 20 dinars.
Dinar is dinar is Islam.
1 dinar = 4.25 grams of gold
So, 20 dinars = 85gr pure gold.

2. Nishab silver.
Nishab silver is 200 dirhams.
Equivalent to 595 g,
as a matter of Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al Uthaymeen in Syarhul Mumti 6/104 and 2.5% is taken from him by the same calculation with gold.

3. Camel.
Nishab camel is 5 tails.

4. Cow.

Nishab cow tail cow is 30.
If less than 30 individuals, then there is no zakat.

Number of Cows amount spent :

30-39 tails : 1 tail tabi and 1 tail tabi'ah,
40-59 : 1 tail musinah,
60 tails : 2 tails tabi' and 2 tails tabi'ah
70 tails : 1 tail tabi' and 1 tails musinnah
80 tails : 2 tail musinnah
90 tail : 3 tail tabi'
100 tail : 2 tabi' and 1 tail musinnah.

Description :

1. Tabi' and tabi'ah are bulls and females aged one year.
2. Musinnah cows that are 2 years old.
3. Every 30 cows, zakat is 1 tail tabi' and every 40 head of cattle, zakat is 1 tail musinnah.

5. Goat.
Nishab goat tail is 40 tails.

Total amount spent GOATS :

40 tails : 1 tail goats,
120 tail : 2 tails goats
201-300 tail : 3 tails goats
> 300 tails : every 100, 1 tail goats.

6. 4. Nishab agricultural products.
Nishab is 5 wasaq.

For example: A farmer managed to reap the harvest of 1000 kg. So the size of zakat issued when the irrigation (flush tool plant) is 1000 x 1/20 = 50 kg. When the rain-fed as much as 1000 x 1/10 = 100 kg.

7. Nishab merchandise.
Pensyariatan charity merchandise still disputed the scholars. In the opinion of the trade that requires zakat, zakat nishab and size equal to the size of the charity nishab and gold.

The charity issued the terms of trade is equal to the conditions that exist on another charity, and coupled with the other 3 requirements :
1) Have it with no forced, such as by purchasing, receiving gifts, and the like,
2) Have it with the intention to trade,
3) The value has to nishab.

8. Nishab treasure.
Treasure found, shall have zakated directly without requiring nishab and haul, based on the generality of the words of the Prophet "sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam" .
"In finding treasure there is a fifth (1/5) zakat"
(HR. Muttafaqun alaihi = Narrated Agreed alaihi).

Do you think that, walking on two legs was something trivial, being often become swollen feet when used continuously endless road? Do you think that stands upright on two legs it's easy task, being both of them may not be strong and once broken?Then realize how vile ourselves when asleep, when relatives around you there are many who can not sleep because of the pain that bothered him? Have you ever felt harsh when to eat delicious food and cold drinks while there are still many people around you who can not eat and drink because of the pain?Just think how great auditory function, which God keep you from hearing loss. Think back and touch your eyes are not blind. Remember your skin is free from leprosy and Supak. And think about how powerful your brain function that is always healthy and avoid the craziness that is humiliating.Are there any you want to exchange your currency to gold at the mountain of Uhud, or sell your hearing for a silver one hill? Do you want to buy palaces towering with your tongue, until you dumb? Would you swap your hands with a string of pearls, while your hands are maimed?That, in fact you are in incomparable pleasure and perfection of the body, but you do not realize it. You still feel uneasy, too late, sad, and confuse, although you still have to eat rice warm, fresh water for drinked, quiet time to sleep soundly, and health to continue to do.You often think of something that does not exist, so you also forgot existing grateful. Your soul is easily shaken just because material loss of whack. In fact, you actually still holds the key to happiness, happiness has a bridge introduction, grace, pleasure, and so forth. Then think of all that, and then give thanks!

Actual Information Points or Committees or Service Center can be seen through the payment ZAKAT.
