Happy birthday (reduced life of the success as a real human being), the success of a new life, Sincere fasting and sacrifice perform multiply Best of Nobles "1" dignified iffah absoluted GOD and celebrate the New Year. Enjoy the delights "BACK'PO" 's KAMI. Forgive Big / Extended Family's Bodies and Soul. Selamat ulang tahun (berkurangnya umur kesuksesan menjadi manusia sejati), sukses menempuh hidup baru, ikhlas menunaikan ibadah puasa dan memperbanyak berkurban dalam KEYAKINAN MURNI MULIA AULIA BERMARTABAT IFFAH SEJATI ZAT 1 MAHA (Z1M) serta merayakan Tahun Baru. Menikmati kelezatan "BACK'PO" KAMI. Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. We were not The Biggest in The World but STEALTH The Best in The World Wide. Any purchases to us (This WebSite) minimum IDR 50.000.000 (All Products) get bonus free stay with rooms at the star GOODWAY hotel in Bali - Batam overnight apply multiply. Setiap pembelanjaan kepada kami (WebSite ini) minimal IDR 50.000.000 (Semua Item Produk) mendapatkan bonus menginap gratis dengan kamar istimewa di hotel berbintang GOODWAY di Bali - Batam selama semalam berlaku kelipatannya. Need More Information About All Tourists Domestic until International ? You can get from "WORLD WIDE DIRECT INTERACTIVE CHATTING" or Public Relationship Call 622150176030 / 6281330670542 ( Raden Mas SETYA BUDI LATTO ). Faximiles 622150476030 / 623133172497 / 623133001724 / 62318706441. International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) - Group Tour and Travel sustainable expansion of domestic and foreign those Under Construction Please Surfing All Menu / Sign Clicks / Products ( Not all are ready but there will be published after the agreement and demand from guests or tourists ) from "http://kaizenmeiji.blogspot.com" or "http://dokterhewankami.blogspot.com" click menu "Profile" run menu "Mentoring Tourist Expatriate" We will answer All Request or Question SOON. Countryside : International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) Open Escort or Hidden Privacies Mangkurat "Anggi Dwi" Panembahan Adventure Lodging ( MAD PAL ) Village KALISORO RT 002 / RW 03, Tawangmangu Town / Province : Tawangmangu / Solo. SURAKARTA. POST CODE : 57792 . D. / L. : + 62271697149 . Sekipan Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar. Surakarta - Central Java. Professional Support Marketing Group . Home Stay and Adventure Club 6285647413053 ( Raden Mas Ngarso Dalem ) , 6281332454131 ( Raden Mas Rustanto ) , 6285854493435 ( Raden Mas Yoppy Angga Deberta) , 6289609132699 ( Raden Mas Rusbiantono ) . Expatriates refreshing mind, calm yourself, spending time, diet, stay and adventure with comfort and satisfying service, presented the beauty and sincerity of heart. The scent of love, presence, polite and peaceful atmosphere accompanied by music and Modern Javanese delivers local and international visitors taste linger long enjoyed the beauty of the Royal Palace Surakarta, Thousand Splash ( Grojogan ) Waterfall, Swimming Pool, Mountains Lawu, Sarangan Lake, Mountains Bromo, beautiful Islands of Bali and wonderful Island Lombok until atmosphere Island Papua etc. Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by : Commisaries)






VPN adalah singkatan dari virtual private network, yaitu jaringan pribadi (bukan untuk akses umum) yang menggunakan medium nonpribadi (misalnya internet) untuk menghubungkan antar remote-site secara aman. Perlu penerapan teknologi tertentu agar walaupun menggunakan medium yang umum, tetapi traffic (lalu lintas) antar remote-site tidak dapat disadap dengan mudah, juga tidak memungkinkan pihak lain untuk menyusupkan traffic yang tidak semestinya ke dalam remote-site.
VPN merupakan suatu jaringan privat (biasanya untuk instansi atau kelompok tertentu) di dalam jaringan internet (publik), dimana jaringan privat ini seolah-olah sedang mengakses jaringan lokalnya tapi menggunakan jaringan public
VPN adalah sebuah koneksi Virtual yang bersifat privat mengapa disebut demikian karena pada dasarnya jaringan ini tidak ada secara fisik hanya berupa jaringan virtual dan mengapa disebut privat karena jaringan ini merupakan jaringan yang sifatnya privat yang tidak semua orang bisa mengaksesnya. VPN Menghubungkan PC dengan jaringan publik atau internet namun sifatnya privat, karena bersifat privat maka tidak semua orang bisa terkoneksi ke jaringan ini dan mengaksesnya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan keamanan data
Konsep kerja VPN pada dasarnya VPN Membutuhkan sebuah server yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antar PC. Jika digambarkan kira-kira seperti ini
internet <—> VPN Server <—-> VPN Client <—-> Client
Bila digunakan untuk menghubungkan 2 komputer secara private dengan jaringan internet maka seperti ini: Komputer A <—> VPN Clinet <—> Internet <—> VPN Server <—> VPN Client <—> Komputer B
Jadi semua koneksi diatur oleh VPN Server sehingga dibutuhkan kemampuan VPN Server yang memadai agar koneksinya bisa lancar.
lalu apa sih yang dilakukan VPN ini?? pertama-tama VPN Server harus dikonfigurasi terlebih dahulu kemudian di client harus diinstall program VPN baru setelah itu bisa dikoneksikan. VPN di sisi client nanti akan membuat semacam koneksi virtual jadi nanti akan muncul VPN adater network semacam network adapter (Lan card) tetapi virtual. Tugas dari VPN Client ini adalah melakukan authentifikasi dan enkripsi/dekripsi.
Nah setelah terhubung maka nanti ketika Client mengakses data katakan client ingin membuka situs www.google.com. Request ini sebelum dikirimkan ke VPN server terlebih dahulu dienkripsi oleh VPN Client misal dienkripsi dengan rumus A sehingga request datanya akan berisi kode-kode. Setelah sampai ke server VPN oleh server data ini di dekrip dengan rumus A, karena sebelumnya sudah dikonfigurasi antara server dengan client maka server akan memiliki algorith yang sama untuk membaca sebuah enkripsi. Begitu juga sebaliknya dari server ke Client.
Keamanan Dengan konsep demikian maka jaringan VPN ini menawarkan keamanan dan untraceable, tidak dapat terdeteksi sehingga IP kita tidak diketahui karena yang digunakan adalah IP Public milik VPN server. Dengan ada enkripsi dan dekripsi maka data yang lewat jaringan internet ini tidak dapat diakses oleh orang lain bahkan oleh client lain yang terhubung ke server VPN yang sama sekalipun. Karena kunci untuk membuka enkripsinya hanya diketahui oleh server VPN dan Client yang terhubung.
Enkripsi dan dekripsi menyebabkan data tidak dapat dimodifikasi dan dibaca sehingga keamananya terjamin. Untuk menjebol data si pembajak data harus melalukan proses dekripsi tentunya untuk mencari rumus yang tepat dibutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama sehingga biasa menggunakan super computing untuk menjebol dan tentunya tidak semua orang memiliki PC dengan kemampuan super ini dan prosesnya rumit dan memakan waktu lama, agen-agen FBI atau CIA biasanya punya komputer semacam ini untuk membaca data-data rahasia yang dikirim melaui VPN.
Apakah Koneksi menggunakan VPN itu lebih cepat????? Hal ini tergantung dari koneksi antara client dengan VPN server karena proses data dilakukan dari VPN otomatis semua data yang masuk ke komputer kita dari jaringan internet akan masuk terlebih dahulu ke VPN server sehingga bila koneksi client ke VPN server bagus maka koneksi juga akan jadi lebih cepat. Biasanya yang terjadi adalah penurunan kecepatan menjadi sedikit lebih lambat karena harus melewati 2 jalur terlebih dahulu temasuk proses enkripsi. VPN ini bisa digunakan untuk mempercepat koneksi luar (internasional) bagaimana caranya???
Misal kita punya koneksi lokal (IIX) sebesar 1mbps dan koneksi luar 384kbps kita bisa menggunakan VPN agar koneksi internasional menjadi sama dengan koneksi lokal 1mbps. Cara dengan menggunakan VPN Lokal yang diroute ke VPN Luar


BOOK OF ROAD (DRILL) is a short Story about the way The STATUE. Real stories/REAL taken in the book PETLOT (KP) The Kyai. Call it the STATUE, he was an unemployed graduate of people's schools, currently available as Rickshaw Drivers (3 Wheels), after getting a legacy worth £ 100 billion from his grandfather, he confused developed his money.

One day met a Wealthy Merchants from China named SUNG KANO, he was advised to meet a Kyai to the East to get comfort in various STATUES of dreamed of. After a Morning ride, day and night through the sea, hills, valleys and mountains and statues in a castle guarded by armed troops and millions of automated tanks, Helicopters and fighter aircraft. After registering via the INTERNET from the nearest Mobile Android as well as try to Speed by IPADnya, ARCA getting nowhere The Kyai's soul on the evening of Friday Kliwon to express wishes and dreams-dreams. Past a crowd of onlookers in the field in the Castle provided The Kyai, it looks like it's Friday Night to coincide with the celebration of the Feast of edgy Music routine in the Castle The Kyai, backstage at the sacred JEWEL-topped teak chairs sit The Kyai while holding prayer beads made of stone ZAMRUT famous Equatorial and emitting a blinding MEJIKUHIBINIU so that the beam illuminates the AURA CHAKRA NETRA The Kyai. "SENDIKO DAWU, Permios, I am a STATUE" spoken step-brick from his mouth. "I already know who's asked?" said The Kyai. "I would like to invest and make a list of my dreams as a has-been I inform by electronic mail through The organization of Kyai, can" spoken again sentence by sentence accompanied by Hard Rock and Black Metal in a unique transparent packaging behind the stage of the ongoing, thousands of heavy The Jamaa'ah and kans Oppor to Bourgeois often known The OB - Office Boys mixed up with. "How much you want to instill as stocks and charitable to the Patni" said The Kyai. "A little only IDR 100,000,000 Billion and treasure my friends in the village of £ 290 a gazillion" STATUE in the words softly whispered.

Remove Cover Head and take around his neck, The Kyai went up on stage. After a month, three months to twenty-year Alliance with The Religious STATUES, STATUES get progress very rapidly in all fields, ranging from his belief about the creation of the heavens and the Earth, the ghosts of Ancestors, the adequacy of the partner Country to Economic the cherry blossoms. The confidence and the trust given to The STATUE of Kyai realized by wake 11 Castle, 11 mosques and the Sports Venues as well as 11 Grants to Charities Lands on a 300,000 Acre Processed separately on five continents for The Kyai on behalf The Kyai. At this time the STATUE with his friend, the King has become the best Merchants and established a dynasty that bequeathed to his descendants Dynasty STATUE decided to isolate himself and become a holy man on the slopes of Mount Lawu to finish his life in peace at his side.



National Association Chain Drug Stores (Projects Detectives Federation)
August 24, 2015 - Denver, CO 

American Veterinary Medical Association (Projects Detectives Federation)
July 13, 2015 - Boston, Massachusetts 

California State Board Pharmacy Board Meeting (Projects Detectives Federation)
June 24, 2015 - Sacramento, California 

Alaska Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting (Projects Detectives Federation)
February 15-24, 2015 - Anchorage, Alaska 

National Association of State Controlled Substance Authorities (NASCA) (Projects Detectives Federation)
October 21-24, 2014 - Savannah Georgia

American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) (Projects Detectives Federation)
June 9, 2012 - Crystal City, Virginia

Arizona Pharmacists Association (AZPA) (Projects Detectives Federation)
June 30, 2012 - Phoenix, Arizona

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) (Projects Detectives Federation)
February 19, 2013 - Washington, D.C.

Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) (Projects Detectives Federation)
March 4, 2013 - Tampa, Florida

National Association of State Controlled Substance Authorities (NASCA) (Projects Detectives Federation)
October 24, 2013 - Kansas City, Missouri

The STATUE reportedly currently after death 1,724 is served by the BE DOA DOA RI in peace. "God willing Blessed, in fine health and LillahitaAllah"


Officials Addressed to all domestic and foreign includes the general public, private organizations and countries on five continents.

A Muslim who is able to pay a mandatory economy partly owned property to the person entitled to receive it either through a Zakat committee and distributed live / own. Zakat is obligatory when a law is financially able and have reached the minimum pay zakat or called nisab to
Legal Account Number :
(Internet Data Electronic) NG Organization.

(International Mandatory Federation World Wide (IMFW))

That is, keep in mind any favors that God bestowed upon you. Because he had to tuck his favor from the head to the soles of the feet to the bottom. Health agencies, state security, food and clothing, air and water, are all available in our lives. But that's, you have the world, but never realize it. You master life, but never knew.

A. Calculation Zakat Fitrah.
     Zakat Fitrah to individual = 3.5% x the price of rice in the market per liter.
B. Calculation Zakat Profession / Occupation.
    Zakat Profession = 2.5% x (Total Income - Debt Payment / Installment)
    Calculate Nisab Zakat Profession = 520 x market price of rice per kg.
C. Calculating Zakat Maal / Assets.
    Zakat Maal = 2.5% x Total Assets That Saved Over 1 Year (savings and investments)
    Calculate Nisab Zakat Mal = 85 x market price of gold per gram.

1. Nishab gold.
Nishab gold as much as 20 dinars.
Dinar is dinar is Islam.
1 dinar = 4.25 grams of gold
So, 20 dinars = 85gr pure gold.

2. Nishab silver.
Nishab silver is 200 dirhams.
Equivalent to 595 g,
as a matter of Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al Uthaymeen in Syarhul Mumti 6/104 and 2.5% is taken from him by the same calculation with gold.

3. Camel.
Nishab camel is 5 tails.

4. Cow.

Nishab cow tail cow is 30.
If less than 30 individuals, then there is no zakat.

Number of Cows amount spent :

30-39 tails : 1 tail tabi and 1 tail tabi'ah,
40-59 : 1 tail musinah,
60 tails : 2 tails tabi' and 2 tails tabi'ah
70 tails : 1 tail tabi' and 1 tails musinnah
80 tails : 2 tail musinnah
90 tail : 3 tail tabi'
100 tail : 2 tabi' and 1 tail musinnah.

Description :

1. Tabi' and tabi'ah are bulls and females aged one year.
2. Musinnah cows that are 2 years old.
3. Every 30 cows, zakat is 1 tail tabi' and every 40 head of cattle, zakat is 1 tail musinnah.

5. Goat.
Nishab goat tail is 40 tails.

Total amount spent GOATS :

40 tails : 1 tail goats,
120 tail : 2 tails goats
201-300 tail : 3 tails goats
> 300 tails : every 100, 1 tail goats.

6. 4. Nishab agricultural products.
Nishab is 5 wasaq.

For example: A farmer managed to reap the harvest of 1000 kg. So the size of zakat issued when the irrigation (flush tool plant) is 1000 x 1/20 = 50 kg. When the rain-fed as much as 1000 x 1/10 = 100 kg.

7. Nishab merchandise.
Pensyariatan charity merchandise still disputed the scholars. In the opinion of the trade that requires zakat, zakat nishab and size equal to the size of the charity nishab and gold.

The charity issued the terms of trade is equal to the conditions that exist on another charity, and coupled with the other 3 requirements :
1) Have it with no forced, such as by purchasing, receiving gifts, and the like,
2) Have it with the intention to trade,
3) The value has to nishab.

8. Nishab treasure.
Treasure found, shall have zakated directly without requiring nishab and haul, based on the generality of the words of the Prophet "sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam" .
"In finding treasure there is a fifth (1/5) zakat"
(HR. Muttafaqun alaihi = Narrated Agreed alaihi).

Do you think that, walking on two legs was something trivial, being often become swollen feet when used continuously endless road? Do you think that stands upright on two legs it's easy task, being both of them may not be strong and once broken?Then realize how vile ourselves when asleep, when relatives around you there are many who can not sleep because of the pain that bothered him? Have you ever felt harsh when to eat delicious food and cold drinks while there are still many people around you who can not eat and drink because of the pain?Just think how great auditory function, which God keep you from hearing loss. Think back and touch your eyes are not blind. Remember your skin is free from leprosy and Supak. And think about how powerful your brain function that is always healthy and avoid the craziness that is humiliating.Are there any you want to exchange your currency to gold at the mountain of Uhud, or sell your hearing for a silver one hill? Do you want to buy palaces towering with your tongue, until you dumb? Would you swap your hands with a string of pearls, while your hands are maimed?That, in fact you are in incomparable pleasure and perfection of the body, but you do not realize it. You still feel uneasy, too late, sad, and confuse, although you still have to eat rice warm, fresh water for drinked, quiet time to sleep soundly, and health to continue to do.You often think of something that does not exist, so you also forgot existing grateful. Your soul is easily shaken just because material loss of whack. In fact, you actually still holds the key to happiness, happiness has a bridge introduction, grace, pleasure, and so forth. Then think of all that, and then give thanks!

Actual Information Points or Committees or Service Center can be seen through the payment ZAKAT.


By : Mad Ants Miss Authors (MAMA) .
Writer-load Confused (WC) who ran your virgin son.


Mutual Affection Dearest (MAD) have brands as a thinking human, congratulations remains obligatory spoken to the Leader of DUKES RUSSIA (DR) the Oranges Pupils.
The lesson was not easy to make.

Did not know it was not pity, not known then acquaintances.
1. His achievements were so brilliant at Military Academy at that time, capable of being the best officers of his generation.
2. Managed to conquer and win the heart of a general sweet daughter to be his wife.
3. Successfully implement family planning programs (family planning) with 2 kids pretty, young women just the same, 2 children Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono all male.
4. Managed to provide a good education for his two sons.
5. Managed to become minister in the era of President Wahid and Megawati.
6. Successfully established the Democratic Party.
7. Managed to become the 6th President that best managed to be yourself, be patient, cats breeders (dogs breeders), white mice and horses framers..
8. Managed to reach the peak of the academic degree “Doctor or PhD”, when not served become President.
9. Have succeeded in law of the celebrities for the first child.
10. Have succeeded in law from politicians for her second child.
11. Managed to create a song and make a few albums in between busy leading the country.
12. Has managed to survive with a wife until now.
13. Managed to become President for the 2nd time.
14. Successfully spread the charm in order to maintain the image.
15. Managed to maintain a great body high.
16. Successfully preferred mothers to grandmothers.
17. Successfully with all the dozens CALM.
18. Managed to deliver on the promises in the campaign.
19. Managed to survive in the midst of the tsunami, mudflow, Mount Merapi earthquakes to the news as well as exposure to the many facets of corruption and terrorism.
20. BICYCLE TRADISIOAL managed to see when the first official state.
21. Managed carefully with earnest seriousness, friendly, warm in its natural touch when communicating no inserts humor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is also a good reader when making speeches, read his speech CAUSE teleprometer wear.
22. Successfully widely criticized by many experts.
23. Successfully describes the salary of a president.
24. Managed to become 1 Most Influential People In The World version of TIME magazine, including the first Indonesian to receive the award.
25. Successfully juggling contest (bouncing the ball with both feet) with Zinedine Zidane the former French national team captain.
26. Managed to have an account on International Masquerade Facebook (IMF) quite a lot without the need for cloning.
27. Managed to allow the destruction of houses of worship without dismiss subordinates.
28. Managed to change the political map of Indonesia is fundamentally the direct elections for the people sovereign.
29. Managed to let a lot of money in election politics.
30. Successfully secretly kept silent alias with many problems that have not been completed.
31. Successful completion of a long best bridge connecting Surabaya - Madura,
32. Wise managed to maintain attitude and always introspecting every waking.
33. Managed to be a human being nosy and taking care of other people’s business.
34. Managed to give the youth the opportunity to complete the Personality Revolution.
35. Never managed to forget to say TEACHERS APOLOGY YOUNGEST (TAY).
36. Successfully riding class and not cry anymore.
37. Successfully become movers knee Capital Campaign Internship Fundraising Committee.
38. Successfully be Won the Fun International Competition Fishing Adventure.
39. Successfully holding grandson, lull asleep and grandchildren with its own bath.
40. Successfully enrolled in a row bench FIFA, UNDERGROUNDS and INTELLECT BLACK singer CREWSPUCK (IBC).
41. Successfully Confused leader who read and wrote too confused.
42. Successfully Union Federation Corporate (UFC).

A pieces Modern Money :
DWI PA JAVANESITES JAPANESOUL stealth Hobbies Authors Confused.
Successfully will be interested after retiring room door guard your personal.

Guide Books SONGS K.O. NO bequeathed to YOU ALL
Sorry we could not shake because all.



by : PROFESSOR DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. Sam Iran

Kicking and flashes Bullets The Warriors, and Flirt Lightning dispel the cowards in the Spearhead, Becoming moment Integrity Change Nations that never slept in the official Harmonization Evil False.

Expanding into various sectors Integrity Change Nations (ICN) :
1. Supplier:
    require suppliers and contact details of a good relationship with Vendor / Holding / Principle.
2. Macro Business:
    require simplicity, neatness and detail processing.
3. Supermarket:
    label requires precision and stunning looks.
4. Vital Industry:
    capital exacting and a professional approach.
5. Building Technology:
    requires expertise and reliability of the supplier's business sectors other running smoothly.
6. Special Services:
    need recommendations synergy, accuracy, speed and professional skills.
7. Motivation:
    need a real example, continuous, monitoring, and ongoing coaching.
8. Creative:
    parent requires commitment, fidelity and have its system improvements.
9. Giant:
    requires training and understanding of the purpose of suggestion for the common integrity unit good.
10. Practice:
    requires experience and field cases.
11. Purpose:
     need foundation, guide, projections, targets and short-term goals.
To be master the Engineering and Physical lock can only be acquired with practice, forward, seeking new, create, explore and secretive findings for yourself. Because of Engineering and Science is derived for yourself the noble Companions.

Code Introduction without and Acting (CIA)


NRi PSM Group International Corporate

All activities that use our name to the deposit charged

on behalf International Foundation and Non Governmental Organization

International Company Internship Structure: 
1. Commissioner (World Wide Registered),
Pioneers :
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. SAM IRAN,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi RAT MO,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi RA’AS,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. VLADIMIR PUTIN, Dipl.Pol., MM., Ph.D,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. CLINTON, Dipl.Pol., MM., CA., Ph.D,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Fx. B. HUSEIN O, Dipl.Pol., Dipl.Law., MM., Ph.D,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. RM. SOEMARDI, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hajjah. TUGI, BSc., Dip,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. RM. SOENANO, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. RM. SOEPARNO, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Ir. Hazhi. RM. SOETOMO, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. BRM. NAME RIANTO, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. KGS. MUHAMMAD A, A.Md., SE., SH., MM., MPd., MBA,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. PDKG. TEDJOWULAN, ST., SE., SH., MM., MPd., MBA,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. KGS. IMAM SYARIR, SE., ISI., MM., MSc., CCA., Ph.D,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hajjah. KGS. TITIK IS, SE., ISI., MM., MSc., CCA., Ph.D,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. KGRMN. SAR DANI, BSc., Dipl,
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. NASSER SAFADI SAEEDI, dr. SP.Obs., MSc., Ph.D,

Founders :
First : PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hajjah. Milatorah, A.Md., S.Pd., IAI., MM., MSc., MBO,

2. Director (World Wide Registered)
Operational :
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi Nuky Rusianto, Lc, A.Md., SE., S.KH., drh (DVM)., WR., ISI., ND., WD., MBO., CCA., Ph.D,
Council Deputy :
PROF. DR. Dr. Hc. Hazhi. Wahyu Prayudi Nugroho, A.Md., SE., ISI., MBA., Ph.D,

3. Marketing (1724 – 2999)
Freelance and Honorer
Visual On World Wide :


Line of Business:

We use the auto marketing system, in which the buyer expects aided by low prices for resale. Director of the Center we have modified with through the registration in advance, long before made cooperation.
We work closely with many experts from all over the world. Our price is more accurate and fair with the work satisfactory. Services to the root of the problem and a register to control continuously and constantly.
Many products and services are given a quota limit for processing, in order to provide maximum results and professional, of the quota 12 pcs, 100 pcs, 1000 pcs to 27,000 Tons.
All goods and services Management Center began enacting discount: 12 pcs (12%), 100 pcs (15%), 1000 pcs (20%) and 27,000 tons (24%). Provide a double advantage for distributors to market back to the retail market.
(Mr. Han Nomura Takashimura, SE. Media Republic Weekly)

Keywords :
PEM-03209/ WPJ-11/ KP.0803/ 1724-9999 International Foundation Ref. SK : in Security Notary Save Data Entry ( Publication ) Ref.No.: 89680NRIPSMG, Oct' 19, 2009-99 Notary Deed : Prof. DR. Dr. ( Hc ) . KH.M Rosyid, S.H., MM., Ph.D Ref.RM.79318728 Ref.RM.SD002801 Ref. No. : 89680MM, Oct' 19, 1999-99 Notary Deed : Retni Natalia Bya, SH., M.Hum Legalization of Corporate ( NRI PSM Group International Corporate ) SIUP : No. 503/ 11396-A/ 436.6.11/ 2013 - 9999 TDP : No. 503/ 11128.0/ 436.6.11/ 2013 - 9999 ( MITRA MANDIRI Firm ) SIUP : No. 510/ 113/ 404.3.7/ 2008 - 9999 TDP : No. 2008 - 9999 NPWP : 03.325.678.5-615.000 NPWP : 55.889.324.4.619.000 Legalization of Organization ( Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat ) 1. PERKUMPULAN PEMUDA PEDULI IDE ( P3IDE ) 2. CONSULTANT COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL ( CCI ) Notary Deed : Dadang Koesboediwitjaksono, SH. No. 5, Feb' 21, 2008 - 9999

MITRA MANDIRI Firm Under License The Best Company * * * * NRi PSM Group international Corporate
 ( Manufacture, Distributor, Exporter, Importer, Supplier, Services, Contractor, Breeding Farm of Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, Fish and Amphibian )